Abiding Place Ministries
Welcome to Abiding Place Ministries
My wife and I and all the people at Abiding Place Ministries would like to say hello and thank you for logging on to our website. May God richly Bless you!
Hello, my name is Rev. Gord Horsley, I am the founder of Abiding Place Ministries and Senior Pastor for Abiding Place Fellowship in Shelburne, Ontario, Canada.
We are a Bible believing, Spirit filled fellowship, made up of people from all across the denominational spectrum. We are a people seeking the heart of God, flowing in the Holy Spirit, lifting Jesus up, Abiding in Him, as we worship Father God in spirit and in truth.
I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. John 15:5.
Without Christ we can do nothing, in these days we find ourselves, we need to have a deeper relationship with our Lord and Saviour. If you are looking for a Church, or you’re just in the neighborhood, please stop by and worship the Lord with us, we look forward to meeting you!
We meet Sundays at 10:00 am in the Chapel of Mel Lloyd Centre, on 167 Centre Street, in Shelburne, we also have a great Children s’ Church
Prayer and Bible study on Tuesdays @ 10 am & Wednesday nights @ 7 pm.
A place for the whole Family…..
Blessings, Pastor Gord
Ministry Times & Locations
Sunday Meetings
10:00 a.m.
Abiding Place Fellowship
Meeting Place: Chapel, Mel Lloyd Centre
(Dufferin Oaks) - Entrance; Door "F"
167 Centre Street, Shelburne
Tuesday Bible study @ 10 am
@ Mel Lloyd Centre, Door "F"
Study; Exodus
Wednesday Night Bible Study:
@ 7 pm
@ Mel Lloyd Centre, Door "F"
Study: Corinthian Church
Please feel free to contact the Office for more info.
Phone: 519 925 3651
Cell: 519 216 1804
Email: abidingplaceministries@sympatico.ca
Tuesday Bible Study @ 10 am
Study: Exodus
Wednesday Night @ 7 pm
Bible Study; Corinthian Church
Sunday January 19 @ 10 am
Candis Parachin Leading worship
Rev. Gord Horsley bringing the message
Sunday January 26 @ 10 am
Bob Sibean leading worship
Rev. Gord Horsley bringing the Message
Sunday Febuary 2 @ 10 am
Bethany Horsley leading worship
Rev. Gord Horsley bringing the Message
Sunday Febuary 9 @ 10 am
Emmanuel Dapaah leading worship
Rev. Gord Horsley bringing the Message
Sunday Febuary 16 @ 10 am
Al Near leading Worship
Rev. Gord Horsley bringing the Message
Sunday Febuary 23 @ 10 am
Bob Sibean leading Worship
Rev. Gord Horsley bringing the message
From our back yard to Grenada, Haiti, and Uganda, Abiding place Ministries continues to follow the call of the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:19-20
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”